Monday, August 11, 2008


Sat 10/09/08 10:50am The funeral director brought my sister's remains to me. Many many many thoughtful and caring people have helped pay for her cremation and I was able to buy an urn and three keepsake urns that match. One for each of her boys and one for Darrin.

I had no idea how I was going to pay for all this. I opened my email the other day and donations poured in from all across the US and Canada. I cried because these generous people answered my sisters prayer.

I was not at all pleased with the thought of Brenda's remains being delivered in a cardboard box. I was horrified to say the least and they would hold her remains until the cremation was paid for. Hundreds of people I don't know so generously gave and the nightmare of that cardboard box never became reality. How can I thank them properly? I have spent hours sending thank yous to their email addresses...but it seems so impersonal and no way for me to get addresses. But I thanked each and everyone of them.

Call me crazy...but that death smell left the room too. I feel more at ease. Her remains are sitting across the room covered in a bag of some sort they gave me and I'm relieved. FINALLY.

It is Permanent. It is Real. It is Closure.

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